Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I'm a morning person.

I know that I'm morning person. Before I didn't know about morning person and night person, even didn't think of me. I read a book which talked about morning person and night person. And I knew what type is me. According to the book's self test, I'm a morning person. It said " If you always do under doings, you are morning person." Always, I go to bed early at night, I wake up earlier than other people, I like to walk in morning, I have brain with fresh air in the morning...ect. The book said to me many things. However, I can't te;; a;; things. Because I can't remember all of that. T like this truth about morning people. "Many people of morning person are smart people, and they have smart and curious brain." the book said. When I read this sentences, I was very happy, although I'm not smart.

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