Wednesday, March 14, 2007

How to manage teeth .

I learned how to manage teeth from the dentist yesterday. I'll write about this method. I got used to brushing the teeth up and down. Then I brushed the teeth from right ro left. By the way, these methods were wrong. First of all, we have to brush teeth from gums down smoothly. We don't need to brush teeth from right to left. The brushing of this method could transfer remnants between the teeth to other cracks. We olny have to brush the face of the teeth from right ro left. Second, we have to use the dental floss to scale tartar from the teeth. I've never used the dental floss. If I use the dental floss, I could be concerned of widening the crack between teeth. But he said that the teeth floss could not widen the crack between the teeth. After using floss, the crack between the teeth loos like widening, because the tartar was removed from the crack. If there were no remnant and tartar between teeth, there would be no inflammations on gums. I have lived for over 30 years without knowing these methods. It was not until yesterday that I knew my ignirance. I executed these methods yesterday and today. The using of th dentalfloss was sifficult for me because of my clumsy skills. These methods take a long time.

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