Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Meaning of Luck

People who have done hard work usually succeed. But only sincerity isn't reflected in success. Suppose that success is winnibg the game in soccer. Although our team is superior than the other, it may be hard to achieve a goal. Because luck has to do with goal. If I work hard, but my talent is the same as others. Then a little bit more lucky decidesto my destiny. In addition, winning a money and lots of fame, he or she may not buy the lottery ticket. Besides, the lottery ticket he or she bought is not always sinning ticket. Think abou another case. The man called seccessful person faces enormous trouble as slick nothing at all than he does his best. But if he fail the trouble, luck is related this problem obviously. In this case, we can guess that suxxessful man also faces adversity and he may fail. I don't agree the quitation "Luck has nothing to do with success." "Luck is olny way to succeed." either. We have to work hard and keep our mental attitude right to succeed. The person who makes an effort has all the advantages of life called luck and success.

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