Wednesday, March 14, 2007

About Plastic Surgery

I called my friend last night. She plans to do plastic surgery. And as soon as I'd heard, I said to her " What ? You look just fine.Don't do that! It can spoil your face." But she looked determined and said, her boyfriend agrees and other family member too. It was surprising to me. These days, most women, even men, are considering abou changing heir figures. They try to look more attractive, and give a goof frist impression. But, "How about me?" I'm not trying to lose weight or plastic surgery not because I'm gorgeous but because feel bother some and scare. Many people criticize people who did plastic surgery and sxercise to get "S-line". On some points I agree with them because I'm pretty shocked when I see the picture that they were natural, that makes me I feel got deceived by their appearance. Everone's personality itself is good, but the appearance, too, if I had money! On the other hand, everyone has a desire to get good-looking. Entertainer is also has a human. But, I'm worried that they are inclined to focus on only appearance and not on personality. Anyway, I hpe my friend's surgery is going well and she is going to be satisfied with her face.

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