Wednesday, February 21, 2007

My little dog

I have a small dog that we called "Ah-ji". It's a Chiwawa, female.Since I came to America, I've gotten homesick. About 5 months ago, one of my friend gave it to me. It makes me happy and busy. So, I don't have time to feel sad. " A small dog" transfer in Korean, we say " Kang Ah Ji". korean names usually get 3 syllabled and the Last name is front og First name. My Last name is " Park", so I made her name " Park Ahji". However, it's also funny. "Park-Ah-Ji" means a "gourd" in Koraen. Anyway, I'm not sure she can understand her name. Sometimes, I call other names, but she's wagging her tail and she follows. Training is very difficult too. I've never raised any animal in my life. I have got more and more responsible for her.

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